Saturday, July 22, 2017

Dynamics 365 Voice of Customers Limitations

Dynamics 365 Voice of the Customers Limitations

Sr No

Maximum # of surveys you can publish
Maximum # of questions on a survey
If feedback is enabled for a survey
40 Questions
Maximum # of pages per survey
Maximum # of email invitations you can send in 24-hour period that includes piped data.
Note - Any emails that exceed that amount will remain pending during that time and will automatically start sending when the time limit is over.
Maximum # of survey responses that Voice of the Customer will store
Maximum # of survey responses that Voice of the Customer will pull per day

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Multi Level SLA

Multiple Level SLA

 In one of our implementation for Service Module there was a requirement to escalate case to multiple teams at different levels of time if not resolved. For example, if the case is not resolved within 2 hours then the case will need to be escalated to the owner. And if the case is still not resolved within 4 hours then the case is to be escalated to owner’s manager. Although we can perform and configure the two levels as Warning and Failure Actions, adding few more levels of SLA becomes tricky. In our earlier example if the same case is not resolved for 6 hours then the case had to be escalated to operations manager and if not resolved within 8 hours then the case had to be escalated to Operations Head.
Although, this may look simple to configure by adding two SLA levels in the Same SLA. But performing only this step will not help us achieve the solution.

If case is not resolved within below hours then send an escalation email to the users
If not resolved within (hrs)
Escalate to
Owner’s Manager
Operations Manager
Operations Head

-        Create an option set “Custom Level” with options and add it on the Case form (preferably under SLA section). Please note that the field needs to be displayed on the case form
-        Not escalated (Default Value)
-        Level 1 & 2
-        Level 3 & 4
-        Level 5 & 6 (create options as to how many levels of escalation needed; in our case only 4 levels are needed hence two options would suffice)
-        Create SLA and add SLA Level
-        Configure the SLA level with the below
-        (1) Applicable Level – Check if Optionset  SLA Level is Set to “Not Escalated”
-        Optionally add other case attributes verification depending on the business requirement. In this case Priority is verified and Grouped together using “AND” statement.
-        (2) Add success criteria. The case is escalated till this condition is met. In our example I have added Status reason = Resolved/Cancelled. This means the case will not be escalated if the case is either resolved or cancelled within the SLA time
-        (3) Configure Warning Action (1 minute) and Failure Action (2 minutes). i.e add steps to send escalation emails (Warning email as first level escalation and Failure email as second level escalation)
-        (4) In the failure step add a step to Update the Option set value of the case to reflect “Level 1 & 2” by adding Update as a step in Failure Action. See figure below

-        Configure the Second SLA Level to check for below conditions similar to the above steps
-        (1) Applicable Level – Check if Optionset  SLA Level is Set to “Level 1 &2”
-        (2) Add success criteria. The case is escalated till this condition is met. In our example I have added Status reason = Resolved/Cancelled. This means the case will not be escalated if the case is either resolved or cancelled within the SLA time
-        (3) Configure Warning Action (3 minutes) and Failure Action (4 minutes). i.e add steps to send escalation emails (Warning email as first level escalation and Failure email as second level escalation)
-        (4) In the failure step add a step to Update the Option set value of the case to reflect “Level 3 & 4” by adding Update (Case) as a step in Failure Action. See figure below

-        Similarly add multiple SLA levels as per requirement
-        Save and Activate the SLA
-        Set the SLA as default

Testing the Scenarion
-        Create a case and wait for 4 minutes

After 3 & 4 minutes respectively

Insert Dynamic Data in Survey Distribution

Insert Dynamic Data in Survey Distribution

Studies show that marketers who are using personalization to make their emails more relevant are not only getting a 2.5x higher click-through rate, but are also generating 6x more sales from their campaigns. Similarly personalizing the distribution of a survey questionnaire increases the chances of responses. When a survey is personalized the it will show the contact’s name in the survey when the survey is launched.
In this topic, we will see how a Survey can be personalized to show customer’s name.

Example Scenario

In the earlier example of Transport Survey we will add customer’s name in the welcome page


Step 1 – Create Survey
Step 2 – Edit the section and insert “Pipe” option
Step 3 – Create Email Template
Step 4 – Use the Email template in Email distribution

Step 1 – Create Survey

-    1-    Navigate to Voice of Customer Tile and Create a new survey

Step 2 – Edit the section and insert “Pipe” option

1-     Navigate to the “Designer”form on the survey page
2-     On the “Welcome Page” click on edit button

3-     On the resulting Question form, under Section “General>Body” click on the Pipe drop down
4-     Select Customer
5-     This will add “_CUSTOMER_PIPED_DATA_” in the body of the question. This text will be dynamically replaced with customer name during Survey distribution
6-     Save and Close the form
7-     Complete the survey and Publish the Survey
8-     Copy the Snipped from the saved Survey form

Step 3 – Create Email Template

1-     Create an email template to send this survey to respondents
2-     Insert the copied Snippet in to the body of the email template. This will look like this [Survey-Snippet-Start]f96c496d-9b6c-e711-812b-c4346bad9624[Survey-Snippet-End]
3-     Now this snippet needs to be edited to include Customer name. Edit the snippet by including pipeline signal “| Customer =” and then insert the dynamic value of the customer name from “Insert/Update” button.
4-     The Snipped will look like this [Survey-Snippet-Start]f96c496d-9b6c-e711-812b-c4346bad9624|customer= {!Contact:First Name;} [Survey-Snippet-End]

Step 4 – Use the Email template in Email distribution

1-     While distribution of the survey, insert the email template
2-     The dynamic fields will be automatically changed in the email


When the contact receives the email and when they click on the survey link. The survey page will be displayed with personalized message

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Dynamic Survey in Microsoft Dynamics 365

Dynamic Survey in Microsoft Dynamics 365

            When conducting a Survey it is very important to sequence the order of questions and show a relevant question to the respondent based on the response received. Displaying or hiding a question based on the response received from an earlier question is a critical part of any survey. For example, If a question for example, “Do you own a car or motorbike” cannot be asked if the response to an earlier question “Do you own vehicles” is "No". Hence there is a need to display/hide questions based on the response selected in a previous question. Lets look at how dynamic Survey questions can be configured in Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Example Scenario

Example: Survey to capture Carpooling interest 
Question 1: Do you commute to Work?
Response: Yes/No
If Response to Q1 is Yes,
Q2 – which forms of transport do you use to get to work?
Answer Options: Car/Motorbike/Cycle/Walk/Public Transport
Else (i.e if Response is No)
               End Survey
IF Response to Q2 is Car
               Q3 – Would you consider car pool?
               Answer Options: Yes/No
               End Survey

IF Response to Q3 is Yes
               Option to enter respondent details below
               End Survey

Steps to Configure the Survey

Step 1 – Create Survey
Step 2 – Designer Form - Create Questions (also create question that needs to be populated dynamically
Step 3 – Configure Question that needs to be populated dynamically
Step 4 – Create Response Routings
Step 5 –  Create Response Conditions
Step 6 -  Create Response Action (Add Positive and Negative Condition to the Response condition)
Step 7 – Create Response Action (Add Negative (otherwise/else)Condition to the Response condition)
Step 8 - Publish the survey

Step 1 : Create Survey

1-     Survey Form – This form is used to enter basic details/configurations about the survey
2-     Name your Survey to distinguish from others.
3-     Use Captcha – This enables the captcha image verification before the survey is begun
4-     Header Text – This is an important field because if not set properly then it defaults to the Organization name. Respondents see this name as the name of the survey on the start page.

Step 2 – Create Questions

1-     From the form selector, select the ‘Designer’ form
2-     From the resulting designer screen, please create questions. Here in this case we are creating two pages and multiple questions as shown below.

Step 3 – Configure Question that needs to be populated dynamically

1-     Select the question and click on the edit button of the question to open the question in a new form

2-     In the resulting question form, scroll down and navigate to the “LAYOUT” Section and change the field “Visibility” to “Do Not Display”
3-     Perform this step for all the questions that needs to be hidden and displayed dynamically based on the response.

Step 4 – Create Response Routings

1-     Navigate back to the Survey page and from the Related Entities section, select the “Response Routing” tile

2-     Add a new Routing response from the resulting page
3-     Enter name in the Routings Response  page and save the record

Step 5 –  Create Response Conditions

1-     Navigate to Check section and select Question field. Select the parent question from where the new question is to be displayed. In first case Select the question “Do you commute to work?”
2-     Select the Answer “Yes”. Selecting this answer will display the new question
3-     Select the operator – Here it defaults to “Selected”. This means if the answer “Yes” is selected. The operator will change based on the response type


Step 6 -  Create Response Action (Add Positive to the Response condition)

1-     Navigate back to “Response Routing” page
2-     Scroll down and navigate to “Actions” section and click on + and add a new action (Alternatively you can create action from related entities tile too)

3-     Select Scope to “Client”. This means we are going to perform client side actions.
4-     Enter “Name”, “Description”, “Survey” in the new form
5-     Select  Show from “Action” optionset. This means the question will be shown. Please note the other options available which can be performed
6-     Select the “Page”, “Section” and the “Question” from the lookup. In this case select the question which needs to be displayed.

Step 7 -  Create Response Action (Add Negative (otherwise/else)Condition to the Response condition)

This step is important to configure even if its is not mandatory. If we don’t configure this step then if the respondent first selects the Response as “Yes” (which displays the related question) and then changes mind and selects “No” the new question will not be hidden . Hence we need to add an action to hide the question if the other condition is selected.

Step 8 – Publish the Survey

1-     Peform Steps 5-7 for other dynamically hidden questions
2-     Test and Publish the Survey


This how the Survey will be displayed to the respondent

Welcome Page

Parent Question

 Hide Question Dynamically

Displays Question dynamically

Selecting the “Car” option displays the next question
On further Selection of the question