Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Dynamics 365 V9.0 Optimum space ??

One of the big selling point of Microsoft for its new Version 9.0 of Dynamics 365 application is reducing white space. Although they have reduced a lot of white space, introduced text wrap and Default user message for empty section etc, I still feel that there are many blank spaces in the product. If you see the below screenshot there are many white spaces and new grey spaces introduced. You can also see that the body of the form (where most of the users work) has tremendously reduced. Now that is what as a end user I would hate, reducing my work space.

Now i did a small exercise and tried removing manually some of the empty spaces from the screen using paint. In the below screen all that is in red is the space I could save. On the right side I have shown places where I could shrunk some space. This is what as an end user (many of my clients) have asked and Microsoft fails every time to achieve this. I hope my thought process concurs with others!!

Happy to discuss and comments!!


kailash said...

True in a way in our current project we are also facing some big time with the end user in signing off the forms. The user are worried about the space, infact they are using 24inch monitor but the white spaces makes life miserable.

Mohan Prasad Mani said...

True some of my clients go to the next step and even talk about custom forms where they totally customize the UI with their needs!!!